December 19, 2009

Adopt a Family - we did !!

At my weekday job we adopt a family from United Way every Christmas. This year we had a family of a Dad who lost his job, Mom who went to work at a fast food chain to make ends meet and three girls - 8, 7 and 3 years old. We got a list from them on things they would like and went shopping !!! We have a Santa suit and an elf costume so Pat and Colleen dressed up and took all the gifts to the family - 32 boxes of Christmas goodness, three stockings and gift cards too ! The looks on the girls faces ( neighbors too ) when Santa and his elf drove up to the house - smiles, laughter and a few happy tears !!!

Such a fabulous treasure - a smile from a little 3 year old , Santa came to her house !!! Joy ~~~

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